Acanthops bidens |
Acanthops bidens |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1922 |
Acanthops elegans |
Acanthops elegans |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo & Ippolito, 2004 |
Acanthops falcata |
Acanthops griffini |
Cotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Acanthops godmani |
Acanthops godmani |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acanthops parafalcata |
Acanthops parafalcata |
Paratype |
Male |
Lombardo & Ippolito, 2004 |
Acanthops royi |
Acanthops royi |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo & Ippolito, 2004 |
Acanthops soukana |
Acanthops soukana |
Holotype |
Female |
Roy, 2002 |
Acontista amazonica |
Acontistella amazonica |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Acontista amoenula |
Acontista amoenula |
Holotype |
Female |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Acontista aurantiaca |
Acontista bimaculata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Acontista cayennensis |
Acontista cayennensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acontista championi |
Acontista championi |
Holotype |
Male |
Kirby, 1904 |
Acontista chopardi |
Acontista gracilis |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1911 |
Acontista concinna |
Mantis concinna |
Holotype |
Female |
Perty, 1832 |
Acontista bimaculata |
Holotype |
Male |
Perty, 1832 |
Acontista cordillerae |
Acontista gracilis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Acontista cordillerae |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Acontista ecuadorica |
Acontiothespis ecuadorica |
Allotype |
Female |
Hebard, 1924 |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1924 |
Acontista eximia |
Callimantis eximia |
Syntype |
Male |
Pascoe, 1882 |
Acontista paraensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Pascoe, 1882 |
Acontista fraterna |
Acontistella violacea |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1931, 1935 |
Acontista fraterna |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acontistella violacea |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931, 1935 |
Acontista inquinata |
Acontista inquinata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acontista iriodes |
Acontiothespis iriodes |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1919 |
Acontista maroniensis |
Acontista maroniensis |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Acontista mexicana |
Acontista mexicana |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acontista minima |
Acontista minima |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Acontista multicolor |
Acontista multicolor |
Type |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Acontista piracicabensis |
Metaphotina piracicabensis |
Allotype |
Female |
Piza, 1964 |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1964 |
Acontista rehni |
Acontista rehni |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1927 |
Acontista semirufa |
Acontista semirufa |
Holotype |
Female |
Westwood, 1889 |
Acontista vitrea |
Acontista vitrea |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Acromantis dyaka |
Acromantis dyaka |
Holotype |
Female |
Hebard, 1920 |
Acromantis grandis |
Acromantis grandis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1930 |
Acromantis insularis |
Acromantis insularis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Acromantis lilii |
Acromantis javana |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Acromantis luzonica |
Acromantis luzonica var. brevipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner |
Acromantis luzonica |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1920 |
Acromantis moultoni |
Acromantis moultoni |
Cotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Acromantis oligoneura |
Mantis oligoneura |
Syntype |
Male |
De Haan, 1842 |
Acromantis palauana |
Acromantis palauana |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1972 |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1972 |
Acromantis siporana |
Acromantis siporana |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Agrionopsis congica |
Agrionopsis congica |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Amantis aeta |
Amantis aeta |
Paratype |
Male |
Hebard, 1920 |
Paratype |
Male |
Hebard, 1920 |
Ameles picteti |
Parameles picteti |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Amorphoscelis austrogermanica |
Amorphoscelis austrogermanica |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1923 |
Amorphoscelis chinensis |
Amorphoscelis chinensis |
Allotype |
Male |
Tinkham, 1937 |
Amorphoscelis pantherina |
Amorphoscelis pantherina |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Anamiopteryx grandis |
Anamiopteryx grandis |
Paratype |
Female |
Beier, 1935 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Anamiopteryx tuberculata |
Trachymiopteryx tuberculata |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1920 |
Anasigerpes bifasciata |
Anasigerpes bifasciata |
Cotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Cotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Anasigerpes trifasciata |
Allotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Anasigerpes centralis |
Anasigerpes centralis |
Holotype |
Female |
Roy, 1966 |
Anasigerpes nigripes |
Anasigerpes punctata |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1964 |
Anaxarcha sinensis |
Anaxarcha sinensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1933 |
Angela guianensis |
Thespoides bolivari |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1916 |
Thespis infuscata |
Syntype |
Male ? |
Rehn, 1906 |
Antemna rapax |
Neacromantis costaricensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Apterocorypha bispina |
Apterocorypha bispina |
Type |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1895 |
Archimantis latistyla |
Archimantis latistyla gigantea |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1963 |
Archimantis sobrina |
Archimantis sobrina |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1872 |
Arria oreophila |
Palaeothespis oreophilus |
Holotype |
Male |
Tinkham, 1937 |
Allotype |
Female |
Tinkham, 1937 |
Asiadodis squilla |
Choeradodis squilla |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Bantia chopardi |
Mionicella chopardi |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Bantia fusca |
Bantia fusca |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Bantia marmorata |
Bantia marmorata |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Bantia metzi |
Bantia metzi |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Bantia michaelisi |
Bantia michaelisi |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Bantia nana |
Musoniella nana |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1969 |
Bantia simoni |
Miopteryx simoni |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1916 |
Bantiella columbina |
Bantiella columbina |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Bantiella fusca |
Bantiella fusca |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Bantiella pallida |
Bantiella pallida |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1935 |
Bantiella trinitatis |
Bantiella trinitatis |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Bimantis malaccana |
Ameles malaccana |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1903 |
Bisanthe pulchripennis |
Iris tricolor |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1923 |
Bistanta mexicana |
Oligonyx mexicanus |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Bistanta toltecus |
Oligonyx toltecus |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Blepharodes candelarius |
Blepharodes candelaria |
Lectotype |
Female |
Bolivar, 1890 |
Bolbena (Bolbena) minor |
Micrentella fuliginosa |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1923 |
Brancsikia simplex |
Brancsikia simplex |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Brunneria borealis |
Brunneria borealis |
Holotype |
Female |
Scudder, 1896 |
Brunneria gracilis |
Brunneria gracilis |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Brunneria longa |
Brunneria longa |
Allotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Brunneria subaptera |
Brunneria subaptera |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Calamothespis lineatipennis |
Calamothespis lineatipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1923 |
Callibia diana |
Callibia diana |
Holotype |
Female |
Stoll, 1813 |
Callimantis antillarum |
Mantis antillarum |
Lectotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1859 |
Paralectotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1859 |
Callivates stephanei |
Callivates stephanei |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 2003 |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2003 |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 2003 |
Calofulcinia australis |
Calofulcinia australis |
Paratype |
Male |
La Greca, 1966 |
Cardioptera brachyptera |
Cardioptera brachyptera |
Type |
Female |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Type |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Cardioptera minor |
Cardioptera minor |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1916 |
Cardioptera viridipennis |
Cardioptera viridipennis |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Carrikerella ceratophora |
Carrikerella ceratophora |
Holotype |
Female |
Hebard, 1922 |
Carrikerella empusa |
Carrikerella empusa |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1935 |
Carvilia gracilis |
Carvilia gracilis |
Paratype |
Male |
Kaltenbach, 1996 |
Carvilia saussurii |
Palaeophotina schneideri |
Holotype |
Male |
Stål, 1876 |
Caudatoscelis collarti |
Amorphoscelis collarti |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 1964 |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1964 |
Ceratomantis ghatei |
Ceratomantis ghatei |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy & Svenson, 2007 |
Ceratomantis kimberlae |
Ceratomantis kimberlae |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson 2007 |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson, 2007 |
Chaeteessa filata |
Chaeteessa filata |
Holotype |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Chlidonoptera chopardi |
Chlidonoptera chopardi |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 1964 |
Chlidonoptera lestoni |
Chlidonoptera lestoni |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 1975 |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1975 |
Chlidonoptera vexillum |
Chlidonoptera vexillum |
Holotype |
Female |
Karsch, 1892 |
Chloromiopteryx mirim |
Emboicy mirim |
Holotype |
Female |
Terra, 1982 |
Chloromiopteryx modesta |
Metathespis modesta |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1968 |
Chloromiopteryx thalassina |
Chloromiopteryx thalassina |
Holotype 1 |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Holotype 2 |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Choeradodis columbica |
Choeradodis columbica |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Chopardiella latipennis |
Pseudoxyops latipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Chopard, 1911 |
Chromatophotina cofan |
Chromatophotina cofan |
Holotype |
Female |
Rivera, 2010 |
Chrysomantis speciosa |
Chrysomantis speciosa |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Chrysomantis tessmanni |
Anoplosigerpes tessmanni |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1928 |
Chrysomantis tristis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Cilnia humeralis |
Cardioptera humeralis |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1871 |
Congoharpax aberrans |
Congoharpax aberrans |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Congoharpax judithae |
Congoharpax judithae |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1972 |
Coptopteryx argentina |
Coptopteryx affinisi |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx claraziana |
Coptopteryx claraziana |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Coptopteryx constricta |
Coptopteryx constricta |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1913 |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1913 |
Coptopteryx gayi |
Coptopteryx renhi |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx minuta |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx inermis |
Coptopteryx inermis |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1925 |
Coptopteryx parva |
Coptopteryx parva |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx pusilla |
Coptopteryx pusilla |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1925 |
Coptopteryx rebrevipennis |
Coptopteryx brevipennis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1958 |
Coptopteryx spinosa |
Coptopteryx spinosa |
Allotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx thoracica |
Coptopteryx fallax |
Allotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Coptopteryx thoracica |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1913 |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1913 |
Coptopteryx thoracoides |
Coptopteryx thoracoides |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Coptopteryx viridis |
Coptopteryx viridis |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Cornucollis masoalensis |
Cornucollis masoalensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Brannoch & Svenson, 2016 |
Corticomantis atricoxata |
Liturgusa atricoxata |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1931 |
Creobroter apicalis |
Creobroter apicalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Creobroter elongata |
Creobroter elongata |
Type |
Female |
Beier, 1929 |
Type |
Male |
Beier, 1929 |
Creobroter labuanae |
Creobroter labuanae |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1920 |
Creobroter medanus |
Creobroter medanus |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Creobroter signifer |
Harpax signifer |
Holotype |
Male |
Walker, 1859 |
Creobroter vitripennis |
Creobroter vitripennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1933 |
Danuria (Danuria) angusticollis |
Danuria angusticollis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1931 |
Danuria (Danuriodes) barbozae |
Danuria angolensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Danuria (Danuriodes) congica |
Danuria congica |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Decimiana bolivari |
Acanthops bolivari |
Syntype (cotype) |
Female |
Chopard, 1916 |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1916 |
Decimiana rehni |
Plesiacanthops renhi |
Holotype |
Female |
Chopard, 1913 |
Deiphobe brunneri |
Iris (Fischeria) brunneri |
Type |
Female |
Saussure, 1871 |
Deroplatys indica |
Deroplatys indica |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2007 |
Diabantia minima |
Diabantia minima |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Diabantia perparva |
Paradiabantia perparva |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1973 |
Dysaules longicollis |
Dysaules longicollis |
Holotype |
Male |
Stål, 1877 |
Dystacta alticeps |
Paracilnia ornatipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1935 |
Dystacta tigrifrutex |
Dystacta tigrifrutex |
Holotype |
Male |
Tedrow, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Tedrow, 2014 |
Dystactula grisea |
Dystactella grisea |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Dystactula kaltenbachi |
Dystactula kaltenbachi |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 2006 |
Elaea infumata |
Elaea infumata |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Elaea marchali marchali |
Eremiaphila marchali |
Holotype |
Female |
Reiche & Fairmaire, 1847 |
Elaea marchali pallida |
Elaea marchali pallida |
Allotype |
Female |
Chopard, 1941 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1941 |
Elmantis lata |
Elmantis lata |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Elmantis trincomaliae |
Gonypeta trincomaliae |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Empusa simonyi |
Empusa simonyi |
Holotype |
Male |
Krauss, 1902 |
Empusa spinosa |
Empusa spinosa |
Holotype |
Female |
Krauss, 1902 |
Entella delalandi |
Gonypeta delalandi |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Entella personata |
Entella personata |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Entella stegmanni |
Entella stegmanni |
Allotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1914 |
Epaphrodita lobivertex |
Epaphrodita lobivertex |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo & Perez-Gelabert, 2004 |
Allotype |
Female |
Lombardo & Perez-Gelabert, 2004 |
Epaphrodita undulata |
Epaphrodita undulata |
Type |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Ephestiasula amoena |
Ephestiasula amoena |
Syntype |
Male |
Bolivar, 1897 |
Eremiaphila dagi |
Eremiaphila dagi |
Paratype |
Female |
Doganlar, 2007 |
Eremiaphila numida |
Eremiaphila numida |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1872 |
Eremiaphila rotundipennis |
Eremiaphila rotundipennis |
Syntype |
Female |
Kirby, 1904 |
Eremiaphila yemenita |
Eremiaphila yemenita |
Holotype |
Female |
Uvarov, 1939 |
Eumiopteryx bicentenaria |
Piracicaba bicentenaria |
Allotype |
Female |
Piza, 1967 |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1967 |
Eumiopteryx laticollis |
Eumiopteryx laticollis |
Allotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Eumiopteryx terrai |
Calopteromantis terrai |
Holotype |
Male |
Jantsch, 1994 |
Eumusonia intermedia |
Eumusonia intermedia |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1973 |
Eumusonia viridis |
Eumusonia viridis |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Exparoxypilus africanus |
Exparoxypilus africanus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1929 |
Fuga annulipes |
Hagiomantis parva |
Holotype |
Female |
Piza, 1966 |
Liturgusa sinvalnetoi |
Holotype |
Female |
Piza, 1982 |
Mantis annulipes |
Lectotype |
Female |
Serville, 1839 |
Liturgusa parva |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Fuga fluminensis |
Hagiomantis fluminensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1965 |
Fuga grimaldii |
Fuga grimaldii |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Galapagia peruana |
Galapagia peruana |
Paratype |
Female |
Beier, 1935 |
Galapagia solitaria |
Galapagia solitaria |
Lectotype |
Female |
Scudder, 1893 |
Galepsus (Galepsus) congicus |
Galepsus pentheri |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Galepsus (Galepsus) thomseni |
Galepsus thomseni |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1923 |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) cacuminatus |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) cacuminatus |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Paratype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) culminans |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) culminans |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) signatus |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) signatus |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Galepsus (Lygdamia) trilobus |
Galepsus trilobus |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) bioculatus bioculatus |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) bioculatus |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1957 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) bispinosus |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) bispinosus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) capitatus |
Chiropacha capitata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) centralis |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) centralis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) decipiens |
Galepsus decipiens |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1950 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1950 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fallaciosus |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fallaciosus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fallax |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fallax |
Allotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1955 |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1955 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fumipennis |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) fumipennis |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) schwetzi |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) schwetzi |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) wittei |
Galepsus (Onychogalepsus) wittei |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Galepsus (Syngalepsus) bipunctatus |
Galepsus bipunctatus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Galepsus (Syngalepsus) denigratus |
Galepsus (Syngalepsus) denigratus |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Galinthias occidentalis |
Galinthias occidentalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1930 |
Galinthias philbyi |
Attalia philbyi |
Holotype |
Male |
Uvarov, 1936 |
Gimantis assamica |
Eumantis assamica |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Gonatista jaiba |
Gonatista jaiba |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo & Perez-Gelabert, 2004 |
Gonatista major |
Gonatista major |
Holotype |
Male |
Caudell, 1912 |
Gonatistella nigropicta |
Gonatistella nigropicta |
Syntype |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Gonypeta brigittae |
Gonypeta brigittae |
Paratype |
Female |
Kaltenbach, 1994 |
Gonypeta humbertiana |
Gonypeta humbertiana |
Holotype |
Male |
De Haan, 1842 |
Gonypetella fusca |
Gonypetella fusca |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Gonypetoides brevipennis |
Gonypetoides brevipennis |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1942 |
Hagiomantis mesopoda |
Liturgousa mesopoda |
Holotype |
Female |
Westwood, 1889 |
Hagiomantis superba |
Liturgusa superba |
Holotype |
Female |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Hapalomantis (Bolbira) congica |
Bolbira congica |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Hapalomantis (Hapalomantis) abyssinica |
Hapalomantis abyssinica |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Harpagomantis tricolor |
Mantis tricolor |
Cotype |
Female |
Linné, 1758 |
Cotype |
Male |
Linné, 1758 |
Hestiasula nitida |
Hestiasula nitida |
Holotype |
Male |
Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1892 |
Heterochaeta occidentalis |
Heterochaeta occidentalis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1963 |
Hicetia goeldiana |
Hicetia goeldiana |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Hicetia gracilicollis |
Metriomantis gracilicollis |
Syntype |
Female |
Beier, 1931 |
Syntype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Hierodula coarctata |
Hierodula coarctata |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Hierodula dubia |
Parhierodula dubia |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1912 |
Hierodula grandis |
Hierodula grandis |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Hierodula kapaurana |
Parhierodula kapaurana |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1912 |
Hierodula tenuidentata |
Hierodula tenuidentata |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Hierodula tonkinensis |
Hierodula tonkinensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Hierodula versicolor |
Hierodula versicolor |
Holotype |
Male |
Henry, 1932 |
Paratype |
Female |
Henry, 1932 |
Holaptilon pusillulum |
Holaptilon pusillulum |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1964 |
Hondurantemna chespiritoi |
Hondurantemna chespiritoi |
Holotype |
Male |
Rodrigues, 2017 |
Allotype |
Female |
Rodrigues, 2017 |
Hoplocorypha boviformis |
Hoplocorypha boviformis |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Hoplocorypha brevicollis |
Hoplocorypha brevicollis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Hoplocorypha carli |
Hoplocorypha carli |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Hoplocorypha congica |
Hoplocorypha congica |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Hoplocorypha hamulifera |
Hoplocorypha hamulifera |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Hoplocorypha perplexa |
Hoplocorypha perplexa |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1912 |
Hoplocorypha wittei |
Hoplocorypha wittei |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Humbertiella affinis |
Humbertiella affinis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Humbertiella ceylonica |
Humbertiella ceylonica |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Humbertiella indica |
Humbertiella africana |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Humbertiella indica |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Humbertiella laosana |
Humbertiella laosana |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1930 |
Hymenopus coronatus |
Hymenopus coronatus |
Holotype |
Female |
Olivier, 1792 |
Idolomantis diabolica |
Idolomantis diabolica |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Idolomorpha dentifrons |
Idolomorpha dentifrons |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1895 |
Idolomorpha lateralis |
Idolomorpha spinifrons |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1859 |
Ilomantis ginsburgae |
Ilomantis ginsburgae |
Holotype |
Female |
Brannoch & Svenson, 2016 |
Iridopteryx iridipennis |
Iridopteryx iridipennis |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Iris polystictica |
Iris tiflisina |
Syntype |
Female |
Fischer-Waldheim, 1846 |
Syntype |
Male |
Fischer-Waldheim, 1846 |
Iris senegalensis |
Iris senegalensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Junodia beieri |
Junodia beieri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1972 |
Junodia congicus |
Euoxypilus congicus |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Junodia maculata |
Junodia maculata |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1972 |
Junodia strigipennis |
Oxypilus strigipennis |
Holotype |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Junodia vansomereni |
Junodia vansomereni |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1972 |
Kongobatha papua |
Kongobatha papua |
Paratype |
Female |
Beier, 1965 |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1965 |
Lagrecacanthops guyanensis |
Lagrecacanthops guyanensis |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 2004 |
Leptocola phthisica |
Thespis phthisica |
Type |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Leptomantella bakeri |
Aetaella bakeri |
Paratype |
Male |
Hebard, 1920 |
Paratype |
Female |
Hebard, 1920 |
Leptomiopteryx argentina |
Leptomiopteryx argentina |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Leptomiopteryx dispar |
Leptomiopteryx dispar |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Navimons amapaensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1970 |
Ligaria costalis |
Gonypeta costalis |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1909 |
Ligariella trigonalis |
Entella jucunda |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1899 |
Ligaria trigonalis |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1899 |
Ligentella lacualis |
Ligentella lacualis |
Holotype |
Male |
Kaltenbach, 1996 |
Ligentella zairensis |
Ligentella zairensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Kaltenbach, 1996 |
Liguanea pediodromia |
Liguanea pediodromia |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn & Hebard, 1938 |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn & Hebard, 1938 |
Liturgusa algorei |
Liturgusa algorei |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa bororum |
Liturgusa bororum |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa cameroni |
Liturgusa cameroni |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa cayennensis |
Liturgousa cayennensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Liturgusa cura |
Liturgusa cura |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa cursor |
Liturgusa cursor |
Paratype |
Male |
Rehn, 1951 |
Paratype |
Female |
Rehn, 1951 |
Liturgusa dominica |
Liturgusa dominica |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa fossetti |
Liturgusa fossetti |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa guyanensis |
Liturgusa guyanensis |
Neotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1939 |
Liturgusa kirtlandi |
Liturgusa kirtlandi |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa krattorum |
Liturgusa krattorum |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa lichenalis |
Liturgusa lichenalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Liturgusa manausensis |
Liturgusa manausensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa maroni |
Liturgusa maroni |
Holotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa maya |
Liturgousa maya |
Lectotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Paralectotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Liturgusa milleri |
Liturgusa milleri |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa neblina |
Liturgusa neblina |
Holotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa nubeculosa |
Liturgousa peruviana |
Holotype |
Female |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Liturgusa nubeculosa |
Holotype |
Female |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Liturgusa purus |
Liturgusa purus |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa stiewei |
Liturgusa stiewei |
Holotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa tessae |
Liturgusa tessae |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa trinidadensis |
Liturgusa trinidadensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Liturgusa zoae |
Liturgusa zoae |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Paratype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Lobocneme icterica |
Oxyops icterica |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Machairima papua |
Machairima papua |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1965 |
Macracanthopus schoutedeni |
Megacanthopus schoutedeni |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1929 |
Macracanthopus seydeli |
Macracanthopus seydeli |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1995 |
Macromusonia conspersa |
Thespis conpersa |
Type |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Macromusonia major |
Musonia major |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure and Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure and Zehntner, 1894 |
Mantasoa macula |
Hierodula macula |
Syntype |
Female |
Mériguet, 2005 |
Syntype |
Male |
Mériguet, 2005 |
Mantellias pubicornis |
Mantellias pubicornis |
Type |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Type 2 |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Mantillica beieri |
Mantillica beieri |
Holotype |
Male |
Kaltenbach, 1957 |
Mantillica nigricans |
Mantillica nigricans |
Holotype |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Mantis insignis |
Mantis insignis |
Allotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Mantis religiosa macedonica |
Mantis religiosa macedonica |
Paratype |
Male |
Karaman, 1961 |
Melliera brevipes |
Phaeomantis brevipes |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Melomantis asema |
Melomantis asema |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1969 |
Metacromantis oxyops |
Metacromantis oxyops |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1930 |
Metagalepsus occidentalis |
Metagalepsus occidentalis |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 1972 |
Metilia amazonica |
Acanthops amazonica |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Metilia brunnerii |
Acanthops adusta |
Holotype |
Male |
Gerstaecker, 1889 |
Metriomantis amazonica |
Parastagmatoptera amazonica |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1928 |
Metriomantis cupido |
Metriomantis cupido |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Metriomantis ovata |
Photina pilosa |
Type |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Metriomantis ovata |
Holotype (?) |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Metriomantis paraensis |
Metriomantis paraensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Metriomantis pilosella |
Metriomantis pilosella |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Metriomantis vitrea |
Mantis (Cardioptera) gymnopyga (maybe type of P. vitrea) |
Type |
Female |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Micromantis glauca |
Iridopteryx glauca |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Microphotina viridiscens |
Photina viridiscens |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Miobantia immanis |
Miobantia immanis |
Paratype |
Male |
Scherrer, 2014 |
Miobantia phryganea |
Miopteryx prhyganea |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Miobantia rustica |
Mantis rustica |
Syntype |
Male |
Fabricius, 1781 |
Metathespis precaria |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1968 |
Miobantia sulista |
Miobantia sulista |
Paratype |
Female |
Scherrer, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Scherrer, 2014 |
Miomantis brachyptera |
Pseudomantis brachyptera |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1899 |
Miomantis brunni |
Calidomantis hosia |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1912 |
Miomantis coxalis |
Miomantis coxalis |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1898 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1898 |
Miomantis lineaticollis |
Miomantis lineaticollis |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner? |
Miomantis pellucida |
Miopteryx pellucida |
Holotype? |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Holotype? |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Miomantis semialata |
Miomantis semialata |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1872 |
Miomantis wittei |
Miomantis wittei |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Miracanthops lombardoi |
Miracanthops lombardoi |
Holotype |
Female |
Roy, 2004 |
Paratype |
Female |
Roy, 2004 |
Miromantis indica |
Ormomantis indica |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Musonia boliviana |
Musonia boliviana |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Musonia costalis |
Musonia costalis |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1920 |
Musonia lineata |
Mionyx lineatus |
Holotype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Musonia seclusa |
Paramusonia seclusa |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1913 |
Musonia surinama |
Musonia fuscesens |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Musonia femorata |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Musoniella affinis |
Musoniella affinis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1961 |
Musoniella argentina |
Miopteryx argentina |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Musoniella chopardi |
Musoniella chopardi |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Musoniella fragilis |
Eumusonia fragilis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1965 |
Musoniella ipiranga |
Musoniella iparanga |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1918 |
Musoniella laevithorax |
Miopteryx laevithorax |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1916 |
Musoniella longicauda |
Musoniella longicauda |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1969 |
Musoniella parva |
Musoniella parva |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Musoniella precaria |
Musoniella precaria |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1983 |
Musoniola vicina |
Musoniola vicina |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Myrmecomantis atra |
Myrmecomantis atra |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1913 |
Neodanuria bolauana |
Danuria bolauana |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Neomantis australis |
Tropidomantis australis |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1895 |
Odontomantis laticollis |
Odontomantis laticollis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1933 |
Odontomantis micans |
Odontomantis micans |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1871 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1871 |
Odontomantis parva |
Odontomantis parva |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Odontomantis sinensis |
Antissa sinensis |
Syntype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Oestomantis bacillaris |
Oestomantis bacillaris |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1914 |
Oligocanthopus ornata |
Xanthomantis ornata |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Oligomantis hyalina |
Oligomantis hialina |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1916 |
Oligomantis orientalis |
Oligomantis orientalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Oligonicella bolliana |
Oligonyx bolliana |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonicella punctulata |
Oligonyx punctulata |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonicella scudderi |
Oligonicella scudderi |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Oligonicella striolata |
Oligonyx striolata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonyx striolatus |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonicella tessellata |
Oligonyx tesellata |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonyx bicornis |
Oligonyx bicornis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Harpagonyx gryps |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonyx bidens |
Spanionyx bidens |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Oligonyx insularis |
Oligonyx insularis |
Holotype |
Male |
Bonfils, 1967 |
Allotype |
Female |
Bonfils, 1967 |
Oligonyx maya |
Harpagonyx maya |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Orthoderella caatingaensis |
Orthoderella caatingaensis |
Paratype |
Male |
Menezes & Bravo, 2013 |
Orthoderella elongata |
Orthoderella elongata |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy & Stiewe, 2011 |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy & Stiewe, 2011 |
Orthoderella major |
Tithrone major |
Paratype |
Male |
Piza, 1961 |
Orthoderella ornata |
Orthoderella ornata |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1897 |
Ovalimantis maculata |
Ovalimantis maculata |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2015 |
Oxyelaea elegans |
Oxyelaea elegans |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Oxyophthalma gracilis |
Oxyophthalmus gracilis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1861 |
Oxyopsis oculea |
Oxyops oculea |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1920 |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1920 |
Oxyothespis longicollis |
Oxyothespis longicollis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Oxypiloidea (Catasigerpes) camerunensis |
Catasigerpes camerunensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Oxypiloidea (Catasigerpes) occidentalis |
Sigerpes occidentalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Wood-Mason, 1879 |
Catasigerpes toganus |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Oxypiloidea (Catasigerpes) orientalis |
Oxypiloidea orientalis |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2013 |
Oxypiloidea (Oxypiloidea) acuminata |
Catasigerpes acuminata |
Holotype |
Male |
Kevan, 1954 |
Oxypiloidea (Oxypiloidea) dargei |
Oxypiloidea (Oxypiloidea) dargei |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 2013 |
Oxypiloidea brunneriana |
Catesigerpes erlangeri |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Oxypiloidea nigerica |
Sigerpes nigericus |
Lectotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Oxypilus (Anoxypilus) burri |
Oxypilus (Setoxypilus) burri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1969 |
Oxypilus (Anoxypilus) meruensis |
Oxypilus (Setoxypilus) nigericus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Oxypilus (Anoxypilus) polyacanthus |
Oxypilus (Setoxypilus) basilewskyi |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 1966 |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) annulatus |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) distinctus |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, in prep |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) enei |
Oxypilus enei |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) falcatus |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) falcatus |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) guentheri |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) guentheri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) hamatus |
Oxypilus hamatus |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 1966 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) raggei |
Oxypilus raggei |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1969 |
Oxypilus (Oxypilus) tanzanicus |
Oxypilus tanzanicus |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1969 |
Panurgica basilewskyi |
Panurgica basilewskyi |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Panurgica compressicollis |
Mystipola compressicollis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1898 |
Panurgica duplex |
Panurgica duplex |
Cotype |
Female |
Karsch, 1896 |
Cotype 1 |
Female |
Karsch, 1896 |
Cotype 1 |
Male |
Karsch, 1896 |
Panurgica fratercula |
Panurgica fratercula |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Panurgica fusca |
Panurgica fusca |
Cotype 1 |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Panurgica langi |
Panurgica langi |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1949 |
Panurgica liberiana |
Panurgica liberiana |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Panurgica mende |
Panurgica mende |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1949 |
Panurgica rehni |
Panurgica rehni |
Allotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Paracilnia neavei |
Paracilnia neavei |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1909 |
Paragalepsus vrydaghi |
Paragalepsus gestri vrydaghi |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Paralygdamia sikorai |
Galepsus sikorai |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Paramantis viridis |
Mantis viridis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1872 |
Paramusonia cubensis |
Musonia cubensis |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Paraoxypilus tasmaniensis |
Paraoxypilus tasmaniensis |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Paraphotina reticulata |
Paraphotina venezuelana |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1963 |
Paraphotina reticulata |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1871 |
Parastagmatoptera flavoguttata |
Parastagmatoptera abnormis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1963 |
Stagmomantis hoorie |
Lectotype |
Male |
Caudell, 1910 |
Paralectotype |
Female |
Caudell, 1910 |
Parastagmatoptera tessellata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Parastagmatoptera unipunctata |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Parathespis humbertiana |
Parathespis humbertiana |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Paratithrone royi |
Paratithrone royi |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo, 1996 |
Allotype |
Female |
Lombardo, 1996 |
Paratoxodera gigliotosi |
Paratoxodera gigliotosi |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2009 |
Parentella benguelae |
Gonypeta benguelae |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Pareuthyphlebs occidentalis |
Pareuthyphlebs occidentalis |
Holotype |
Female |
Werner, 1928 |
Photina gracilis |
Photina gracilis |
Holotype |
Intersex |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Photina laevis |
Photina laevis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Paratype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Photina reticulata |
Mantis reticulata |
Type |
Intersex |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Type |
Female |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Type |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Photinella biramosa |
Photinella biramosa |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Photinella brevis |
Photina brevis |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1907 |
Photinella media |
Photinella media |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Photiomantis glauca |
Parastagmatoptera glauca |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1920 |
Photiomantis planicephala |
Metriomantis planicephala |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1916 |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1916 |
Phthersigena insularis |
Phthersigena insularis |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1965 |
Phyllocrania paradoxa |
Phyllocrania paradoxa |
Holotype |
Female |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Phyllothelys mitratum |
Phyllothelys mitratum |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1903 |
Phyllothelys werneri |
Phyllothelys werneri |
Syntype |
Male |
Karny, 1915 |
Pizaia seabrai |
Musoniella seabrai |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1961 |
Pogonogaster latens |
Pogonogaster latens |
Holotype |
Female |
Hebard, 1919 |
Pogonogaster tristani |
Pogonogaster tristani |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1918 |
Polyspilota voelzkowiana |
Hierodula voelzkowiana |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1899 |
Popa spurca spurca |
Popa batesi |
Lectotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1895 |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1895 |
Presibylla elegans |
Presibylla elegans |
Holotype |
Female |
Bolivar, 1908 |
Prohierodula brunnea |
Prohierodula brunnea |
Allotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1956 |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1956 |
Prohierodula lineata |
Prohierodula lineata |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 1967 |
Prohierodula nigrispinis |
Prohierodula nigrispinis |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1967 |
Prohierodula viridimarginata |
Prohierodula viridimarginata |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1956 |
Promiopteryx fallax |
Promiopteryx fallax |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Promiopteryx granadensis |
Miopteryx granadensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Promiopteryx punctata |
Promiopteryx punctata |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Promiopteryx stigmatica |
Promiopteryx stigmatica |
Holotype |
Male |
Burmeister, 1838 |
Pseudacanthops caelebs |
Pseudacanthops caelebs |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Pseudacanthops lobipes |
Pseudacanthops lobipes |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca & Lombardo, 1997 |
Pseudocreobotra amarae |
Pseudocreobotra amarae |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1901 |
Pseudodystacta braueri |
Dystacta braueri |
Type |
Female |
Karny, 1908 |
Type |
Male |
Karny, 1908 |
Pseudoharpax abyssinicus |
Pseudoharpax abyssiniens |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1930 |
Pseudoharpax crenaticollis |
Pseudoharpax crenaticollis |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Pseudoharpax dubius |
Pseudoharpax dubius |
Allotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Pseudoharpax francoisi |
Pseudoharpax francoisi |
Lectotype |
Female |
Bolivar, 1908 |
Pseudoharpax ugandanus |
Pseudoharpax laticollis |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Pseudoharpax ugandanus |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Pseudoharpax virescens centralis |
Pseudoharpax virescens centralis |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1954 |
Pseudomiopteryx amazonensis |
Pseudomiopteryx amazonensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1968 |
Pseudomiopteryx bogotensis |
Pseudomiopteryx bogotensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Pseudomiopteryx columbica |
Pseudomiopteryx columbica |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Pseudomiopteryx decipiens |
Pseudomiopteryx decipiens |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Syntype 2 |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Pseudomiopteryx guyanensis |
Pseudomiopteryx guyanensis |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Pseudomiopteryx infuscata |
Pseudomiopteryx infuscata |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudomiopteryx meridana |
Pseudomiopteryx meridana |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Pseudomiopteryx spinifrons |
Pseudomiopteryx spinifrons |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Pseudomusonia carlottae |
Mionyx fera |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1904 |
Pseudomusonia fera |
Catamusonia minor |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Syntype |
Female |
Beier, 1931 |
Pseudomusonia lineativentris |
Mionyx saevus |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudomusonia maculosa |
Pseudomusonia maculosa |
Syntype |
Female |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Syntype |
Male |
Chopard, 1912 |
Pseudomusonia rapax |
Mionyx raptrix |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudopogonogaster hebardi |
Calopteromantis hebardi |
Holotype |
Male |
Terra, 1982 |
Topotype |
Female |
Terra, 1982 |
Pseudostagmatoptera infuscata |
Reticulimantis infuscata |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1973 |
Pseudovates brasiliensis |
Phyllovates brasiliensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Piza, 1982 |
Pseudovates iheringi |
Theoclytes iheringi |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudovates paraensis |
Vates paraensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1871 |
Pseudovates parvula |
Theoclytes parvulus |
Holotype |
Female |
Westwood, 1889 |
Pseudovates spinicollis |
Theoclytes spinicollis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudovates stolli |
Phyllovates [Theoclytes] stolli |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Pseudovates tolteca |
Vates annectens |
Lectotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1900 |
Theoclytes tolteca |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1859 |
Pseudoyersinia betancuriae |
Pseudoyersinia betancuriae |
Holotype |
Female |
Wiemers, 1993 |
Pseudoyersinia brevipennis |
Mantis brevipennis |
Syntype |
Female |
Yersin, 1860 |
Syntype |
Male |
Yersin, 1860 |
Pseudoyersinia lagrecai |
Pseudoyersinia lagrecai |
Paratype |
Male |
Lombardo, 1984 |
Psychomantis malayensis |
Psychomantis malayensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Pyrgomantis bisignata |
Pyrgomantis bisignata |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Pyrgomantis congica |
Pyrgomantis congica |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Pyrgomantis fasciata fasciata |
Pyrgomantis fasciata |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Pyrgomantis fasciata longissima |
Pyrgomantis fasciata longissima |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Pyrgomantis mitrata |
Pyrgomantis mitrata |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Pyrgomantis runifera |
Pyrgomantis runifera |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Pyrgomantis signatifrons |
Pyrgomantis signatifrons |
Allotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Raptrix sp. |
Acontista westwoodi |
Syntype |
Male |
Terra, 1995 |
Raptrix westwoodi |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Rhombodera doriana |
Rhombodera doriana |
Holotype |
Male |
Laidlaw, 1931 |
Rhombodera fratricida |
Hierodula (Rhombodera) fratricida |
Holotype |
Male |
Wood-Mason, 1878 |
Rhombodera megaera |
Rhombodera megaera |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1903 |
Rivetina causcasica causcasica |
Iris (Fischeria) caucasica |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1871 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1871 |
Sibylla (Sibylla) limbata |
Sibylla limbata |
Lectotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Sinomantis denticulata |
Sinomantis denticulata |
Paratype |
Female |
Beier, 1933 |
Sphodromantis congica |
Sphodromantis congica |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1931 |
Sphodromantis elongata |
Sphodromantis elongata |
Allotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1969 |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1969 |
Sphodromantis gastrica |
Sphodromantis occidentalis inornata |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1923 |
Sphodromantis hyalina |
Sphodromantis hyalina |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1955 |
Sphodromantis lineola pinguis |
Sphodromantis lineola pinguis |
Holotype |
Female |
La Greca, 1967 |
Paratype |
Male |
La Greca, 1967 |
Sphodromantis pavonina |
Sphodromantis pavonina |
Holotype |
Male |
La Greca, 1955 |
Sphodromantis pupillata |
Sphodromantis pupillata |
Holotype |
Female |
Bolivar, 1912 |
Stagmatoptera binotata |
Stagmatoptera praedicatoria |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Stagmatoptera biocellata |
Stagmatoptera biocellata |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Stagmatoptera cerdai |
Stagmatoptera cerdai |
Holotype |
Male |
Rodrigues, 2016 |
Stagmatoptera femoralis |
Stagmatoptera femoralis |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmatoptera pia |
Stagmatoptera pia |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmatoptera septentrionalis |
Stagmatoptera septentrionalis |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmomantis carolina |
Bactromantis virga |
Syntype |
Female? |
Scudder, 1896 |
Stagmomantis fraterna |
Stagmomantis fraterna |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmomantis montana montana |
Stagmomantis montana |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmomantis nahua |
Stagmomantis nahua |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure, 1869 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1869 |
Stagmomantis parvidentata |
Stauromantis parvidentata |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Stagmomantis theophila |
Stagmatoptera insatiabilis |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1904 |
Stagmomantis theophila |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1904 |
Stagmomantis venusta |
Stagmomantis venusta |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Stagmomantis vicina |
Callimantis floridana |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Stagmomantis vicina |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Stenophylla cornigera |
Stenophylla cornigera |
Type |
Male |
Westwood, 1843 |
Stenophylla gallardi |
Stenophylla gallardi |
Holotype |
Female |
Roy, 2005 |
Tarachina congica |
Tarachina congica |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Tarachina constricta |
Tarachina constricta |
Holotype |
Male |
Werner, 1923 |
Tarachina raphidioides |
Tarachina raphidioides |
Type |
Female |
Werner, 1907 |
Tarachina seriepunctata |
Tarachina seriepunctata |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1954 |
Tarachodella monticola |
Tarachodella monticola |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Tarachodes (Tarachodes) abyssinicus |
Tarachodes abyssinicus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Tarachodes (Tarachodes) gibber |
Tarachodes gibber |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1954 |
Tarachodes (Tarachodes) pilosipes |
Tarachodes insidiator |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1912 |
Tarachodes (Tarachodes) pujoli |
Tarachodes pujoli |
Paratype |
Male |
Roy, 2002 |
Tarachodes (Tarachodina) basinotatus |
Tarachodes (Tarachodina) basinotatus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1957 |
Tarachodula ornata |
Tarachodula ornata |
Paratype |
Male |
Beier, 1963 |
Tarachomantis (Madamantis) confusa |
Tarachomantis confusa |
Lectotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1912 |
Telomantis lamperti |
Telomantis madagassica |
Paratype |
Male |
Werner, 1906 |
Telomantis robusta |
Telomantis robusta |
Type |
Male |
Beier, 1950 |
Tenodera aridifolia |
Mantis japonica |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1871 |
Tenodera gambiensis |
Epitenodera gambiensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Theopompa ophtalmica |
Theopompa blanchardi |
Holotype |
Female |
Wood-Mason, 1891 |
Theopompella chopardi |
Theopompella chopardi |
Paralectotype |
Male |
Roy, 1963 |
Allotype |
Female |
Roy, 1963 |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 1963 |
Theopompella congica |
Theopompella congica |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn, 1949 |
Theopompella fusca |
Theopompella fusca |
Type |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Theopompella orientalis |
Theopompella orientalis |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Allotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Theopompella pallida |
Theopompella pallida |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1917 |
Theopompella westwoodi |
Theopompella westwoodi |
Holotype |
Male |
Kirby, 1904 |
Allotype |
Female |
Kirby, 1904 |
Lectotype |
Male |
Kirby, 1904 |
Theopropus borneensis |
Theopropus borneensis |
Holotype |
Female |
Beier, 1942 |
Theopropus cattulus |
Creobroter cattulus |
Holotype |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Theopropus elegans |
Creobroter elegans |
Holotype |
Male |
Westwood, 1832 |
Thespis media |
Diamusonia media |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1916 |
Thespis metae |
Thespis metae |
Holotype |
Male |
Hebard, 1922 |
Thesprotia brasiliensis |
Thesprotia brasiliensis |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1916 |
Thesprotia caribea |
Thesprotia caribea |
Holotype |
Female |
Rehn & Hebard, 1938 |
Allotype |
Male |
Rehn & Hebard, 1938 |
Thesprotia gigas |
Thesprotia gigas |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thesprotia graminis |
Oligonyx graminis |
Syntype |
Male |
Scudder, 1877 |
Thesprotia infumata |
Oligonyx filiformis |
Type |
Male |
Serville, 1839 |
Thesprotia vidua |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Thesprotia insolita |
Thesprotia insolita |
Holotype |
Male |
Rehn, 1935 |
Thesprotia macilenta |
Thesprotia macilenta |
Syntype |
Female |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Thesprotia maculata |
Thesprotia maculata |
Holotype |
Female |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thesprotia pellucida |
Thesprotia pellucida |
Paratype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thesprotia simplex |
Thesprotia simplex |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thesprotia subhyalina |
Oligonyx subhyalina |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1870 |
Thesprotiella festae |
Thesprotiella festae |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thesprotiella fronticornis |
Thesprotiella fronticornis |
Holotype |
Male |
Chopard, 1916 |
Thesprotiella peruana |
Thesprotiella peruana |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1935 |
Thesprotiella similis |
Thesprotiella similis |
Holotype |
Male |
Giglio-Tos, 1915 |
Thrinaconyx fumosus |
Thrinaconyx fumosus |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Thrynaconyx fumosus |
Syntype |
Male |
Saussure & Zehntner, 1894 |
Thrinaconyx sialidea |
Mantillica sialidea |
Holotype |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Tisma pauliani |
Tisma pauliani |
Paratype |
Female |
Roy, 2005 |
Tithrone latipennis |
Tithrone latipennis |
Holotype |
Male |
Lombardo, 1996 |
Allotype |
Female |
Lombardo, 1996 |
Tithrone roseipennis |
Acontista roseipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Saussure, 1870 |
Toxodera beieri |
Toxodera beieri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2009 |
Toxodera fimbriata |
Toxodera spinigera |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Toxodera hauseri |
Toxodera hauseri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2009 |
Toxodera pfanneri |
Toxodera pfanneri |
Holotype |
Male |
Roy, 2009 |
Tropidomantis guttatipennis |
Tropidomantis guttatipennis |
Holotype |
Male |
Stål, 1877 |
Tropidomantis iridipennis |
Miopteryx iridipennis |
Holotype |
Female |
Westwood, 1889 |
Tropidomantis kawaharai |
Tropidomantis kawaharai |
Holotype |
Female |
Brannoch, 2018 |
Paratype |
Female |
Brannoch, 2018 |
Tropidomantis tenera |
Mantis tenera |
Holotype |
Female |
Stål, 1858 |
Tuberculepsus tuberculatus |
Nesogalepsus tuberculatus |
Holotype |
Male |
Beier, 1931 |
Vates amazonica |
Theoclytes amazonicus |
Type |
Male |
Westwood, 1889 |
Vates biplagiata |
Vates obscura |
Holotype |
Female |
Piza, 1983 |
Vates pectinata |
Vates pectinata |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1871 |
Velox wielandi |
Velox wielandi |
Allotype |
Female |
Svenson, 2014 |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson, 2014 |
Vespamantoida wherleyi |
Vespamantoida wherleyi |
Holotype |
Male |
Svenson and Rodrigues, 2019 |
Yersinia mexicana |
Acanthops mexicanus |
Holotype |
Male |
Saussure, 1859 |
Type |
Female |
Saussure, 1859 |