Data: Coptodactyla stereocera Gillet, 1911 COTYPE

91 / Coptodactyla stereocera / Female / Cotype

360 VIEW       IMAGE SET
Canon 5DSR 100mm 1:1.5; 9/36/4000x4000; 90°/60/40/20/0/-20/-40/-60/-90°

Specimen Data

DB ID       91
SPECIMEN       Coptodactyla stereocera Gillet, 1911 COTYPE
ORDER       Coleoptera
GENUS       Coptodactyla
SPECIES       stereocera
SEX       Female
TYPE STATUS       Cotype
FAMILY       Scarabaeidae
SUBFAMILY       Scarabaeinae
REPOSITORY       Oxford Museum of Natural History
ACCESSION       COL: 455 7/7
NOTES       Reproduced with permission from the Oxford Museum of Natural History
REFERENCE       Gillet, 1911 p. 288
CONFIGURL       Coptodactyla_stereocera_COTYPE

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